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Advertise Close To Home

Oct 13, 2022

This is Dave Kats with Therapists Consultants, and I have a tip for you. Now that we have been through the COVID thing and everybody has had therapy online, telehealth, it's easy to stay with a telehealth procedure, and I'm not going to talk today about whether that's good, bad, or indifferent. You have to make that decision. One of the things I think we do have to talk about is if you advertise from now on, you can advertise now anywhere you're licensed. If you're licensed in two states, you can advertise in both those states.

Or let's say you're in Daytona Beach, Florida. You can advertise on the other end of the state in Tampa. Here's my suggestion to you, don't do it. If you're going to advertise, advertise close to home, even though you're doing virtual work. Even though you're doing telemental health, advertise close to home because, mentally, people want to know that they're going to somebody close to them.

We have experimented, and this is what we have found. The people that live close to you, if you're in Daytona Beach, the people that live 20 minutes around you are going to be much more likely to use you even for telehealth than those people in Fort Lauderdale or Fort Meyer or Tampa or some distance away. Stay close to home with your advertising and you'll get a better result. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.

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